Microcosm! Or is that Micro-organism...
Okay, Ramin's been RAVING about Spore, so here's a neat little online "sneak peak" for you:
Flow in Games
Okay, Ramin's been RAVING about Spore, so here's a neat little online "sneak peak" for you:
There is so much to talk about.
I'm one of those people who takes a sideways view of organized religion. I have nothing against people who are religious, I just personally don't buy into any particular dogma or credo. It's not really my thing.
A little birdy hooked me up with something I swear I would have never believed existed had I not seen it with my own eyes. Introducing The Mighty Morphing Emo Rangers. This is comedic gold. It's done by a bunch of british kids, I'm pretty sure only one of them knows how to even throw a punch, and i'm positivenone of them can act, but still, this is great. The thing is, they capture the craptastice mannerisms of the Power Rangers of my dad that I loved as a child, as well as the obviouse generalizations about different types of emo kids, that I have a hard time believing any of these people are actually Emo. Even if they are, though...just watch it.
So it would seem that Facebook is still looking for bidders. After turning down a $750 million deal, they reportedly want $2 billion. So who's gonna buy this next big wave in emo "non-conformity" conformity? Viacom, apperantly. At least, that's the suggestion. Since they own like, VH1, MTV, and Comedy Central, this would be a good fit for them. Make's sense, considering Rupert Murdochowns My Space and poures endless amounts of money into that ever-growin empire of shit. The popularity is there, so Facebook can probably get at least $1 billion.
Oh. The Wonders of the IntraWeb.
Welcome to Ten Thousand Monkey's (or 10-K, for those who dabble in abreviation).