"In 2003, scientists at Paignton Zoo and the University of Plymouth, in Devon in England reported that they had left a computer keyboard in the enclosure of six Sulawesi Crested Macaques for a month; not only did the monkeys produce nothing but five pages consisting largely of the letter S, they started by attacking the keyboard with a stone, and continued by urinating and defecating on it." - Wikipedia.com, Infinite Monkey Theorem

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You know, over the last couple years I've tried to ignore the argument that PC Gaming is dead, or dying. I don't really buy it. People look at NTP numbers and think, "1-2% fluctuation in sales? PC gaming is over!". Over the last couple of weeks, however, there have been a couple claims, that really piss me off to the point that I must break my silence on the subject.

Now, I can understand why Michael Russell may say what he said. I mean, his game did not do anywhere near the kind of sales they were hoping, and considering it wasn't all that great to begin with, I'm betting he wanted to come up with a decent excuse for its failure. So sure, blame piracy, it works for the music business (see: sarcasm). But ID? What possible reason could ID have for making this argument? Doom 3 was one of the highest grossing games in 2004. What good are you doing to the PC community when you and your fellow developers are telling us that our platform is dying...because of us?

I think it's time we looked at a few facts. First of all, PC gaming is not the only place in the industry where piracy exists. I could go to China Town right now with $30CND in hand, and mod my PS2. Then I can go, rent a game--oh, lets say Okami, since it looks awesome--for about $5, burn it on a DVD, and be on my mary way of owning playing as many PS2 games as I like for about 10% of the retail price. Not to mention, since there are more consoles per house than gaming PC's these days, how many of those do you figure have been modded? You think maybe, just maybe, console gamers are just as bad for piracy as PC gamers are?

Secondly, PC game sales over the years have always been stable, if not marginally increasing. In terms of growth, online sales and microtransactions have completely transformed the way the PC market works. For one, MMO's are a huge cash cow. With 6 million players, I really doubt Blizzard is having a hard time racking in the dough. Direct to Drive formats like Steam, and EA's "Download", have also been able to generate plenty of sales without hurting the retail market. And if you want to talk about the games themselves, you don't really need to look further than Spore to see the ingenuity of PC games--though, if you want to look further, there's always Oblivion, Gothic 3, Dawn of War, World of Warcraft, Half-Life 2, Galactic Civilizations, Civ IV....you get the picture?

That's not to say that PC gaming is in perfect stability. There's are a few reasons that PC gaming hasn't been able to garner the kind of sales that the console market does. Sure, piracy is a factor. I never said it wasn't. But there are other, much bigger factors at work here. Lets consider the fact that there are fewer developers willing to work on PC games than console games--at least ones that aren't doing multiplatform. If you look at the sales stats over the last two years, you'd see that there were way more console games released than PC games--though the PC games, like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, were the more anticipated games. Or how bout the fact that retailers don't give a shit about pc games--I should know, I work for one. Have you been to an EB Games lately? The pc section is tiny, and usually in a dark corner with small movement space. So tell me, how can a platform defend itself when both retailers and developers are completely ignoring the market?

It really makes me shake my head when a company like ID, whose roots are deep in PC gaming, tries to make a case for the toe-tagging of the PC market. Way to help the cause.



At Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:28:00 PM, Blogger Motto! said...

There are reasons console gaming is more popular.

First, consoles can do the same thing for far less money. A PC fit for any sort of gaming is at least $1000, and that's lowballing it. For far less I can get a console kit. Of course, you don't get the same 1280x1024 graphics, but is that really necessary for most games? Strategy, I would say yes, Sim City just wouldn't work on a console. But for racing games and shooters TV viewing is just fine.

Second, PC gaming requires you to futz around with graphics cards and various random incompatibilities. Consoles just work when you turn them on and are reliable.

Third, console gaming is a much more social affair. You can sit around and play a game with three of your friends, and enjoy each other's company. I've never been to a LAN party but from the pictures I have seen it still just looks like sitting in a dark room, just, with people around you doing it too.

At Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:21:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I never said anything 'bout it being more popular. This is about people trying to make up bullshit excuses for why they are faling into the hype that PC gaming is "dying." As popular as console gaming is, PC gaming is still just as strong as it ever was, and no one can or should deny that.

At Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:02:00 PM, Blogger Motto! said...

This bullshit happens any time there is some sort of change in the industry. It doesn't mean anything. Hell, look at the photo industry, film camera sales have bombed in the past five years, but that doesn't mean film is 'dying' or any of that other bologna. The very fact that there is a debate over these issues indicates there is a market and so neither film nor PC gaming will be going away.

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like how your entire blog is of just your posts, ramin.

At Saturday, August 19, 2006 3:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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