"In 2003, scientists at Paignton Zoo and the University of Plymouth, in Devon in England reported that they had left a computer keyboard in the enclosure of six Sulawesi Crested Macaques for a month; not only did the monkeys produce nothing but five pages consisting largely of the letter S, they started by attacking the keyboard with a stone, and continued by urinating and defecating on it." - Wikipedia.com, Infinite Monkey Theorem

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

confessions of a socially embittered mind

So it would seem that Facebook is still looking for bidders. After turning down a $750 million deal, they reportedly want $2 billion. So who's gonna buy this next big wave in emo "non-conformity" conformity? Viacom, apperantly. At least, that's the suggestion. Since they own like, VH1, MTV, and Comedy Central, this would be a good fit for them. Make's sense, considering Rupert Murdochowns My Space and poures endless amounts of money into that ever-growin empire of shit. The popularity is there, so Facebook can probably get at least $1 billion.

My question is, why? I mean, as cliched as it's becoming to question the popularity of these sites, I still don't understnad the mass appeal of them. Some have suggested to me that it's the future of social networking. Frankly, I don't buy it. Don't get me wrong. places lik My Space were originally designed with the intention of "social networking" for underground musicians and the like. Now look at it. it's a cesspool for Emo Kids , Wiggers , and oh-so-sad Goths ,can be pretentious gits at once. Where is the networkng here exactly? I mean what do 14-year-old kids with no life experience and probably no ambitions do on those websites besides spend hours upon havinng comment-conversations or starting forum threads about "Diss the guy above you ^^!!!!111oneoneone?".

Now before you get smart and point out the irony that I'm writing this on a blog--a medium that has equally been accused of such actions, as well as complete lack of journalistic integrity--or that fact that i've gone on a wild tangent, keep in mind that, unlike these pretentious know-it-all schmuks, I don't expect to make BFF's on this blog. I don't plan on musing about my true love or how fucking rad counter-strike is--but not as rad as crying myself to sleep.

I guess I just worry that, when my kids are growing up, social discourse will be thrown completely out the window, instead replaced by virtual sex, virtual drugs, and virtual music that sounds like shit compared to 80's rock and roll--or rap for that matter. Though, I guess I should be more worried about my kids becoming Emo.



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