Really Alternative Religions
I'm one of those people who takes a sideways view of organized religion. I have nothing against people who are religious, I just personally don't buy into any particular dogma or credo. It's not really my thing.
So what of you, gentle reader? Are you also adrift in the sea of organized religion? Well fear not! Here's a few alternatives to the more mainstream religions that you might find more to your taste.
Scientology: The second biggest crackpot religion after Mormonism. Like the Mormorns, they believe in aliens... the Grand Galactic Emperor XENU to be precise! If you want to drop all of your money on bad psychological examinations to say you belong to the same religion as Tom Cruise, here's the link for you.
Jediism: Are you a huge Star Wars geek? Well here's one for you! Seems the devout spirituality of the Jedi is becoming something of a vogue religion now. Don't count on getting a lightsaber or using mind tricks, but if you wanna have a SciFi religion with both pop culture roots and aspects of Bhuddism... sure, why not. Consider the Dark Side.
Cthulhuism: If your going to believe in aliens, why not go big? The biggest alien of all has got to be Cthulhu, and worship of the Great Old One in the Deep is in full swing. I count myself amongst his devout... but it's more of a Christmas and Easter thing. Frankly, I just want to be one of the first eaten when he rises.
Pastafarianism: Behold the glory of the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster! His Gospel is now available in paperback, and there's a petition to have his creation myth taught in our schools. And why not? If the Christian creation myth is a worthy alternative POV to evolution...
And there's many, many more. Frankly, it sometimes seems like there's a religion out there for everyone.
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